Cardwell Primary School

Mutual Respect,

, Compassion,


Nursery School Admissions 

Our Nursery admission team at Cardwell Primary School manage the applications and allocation of places in our Nursery classes.  

Once your child is two years old please fill in a nursery form. Places are offered as available after your child’s third birthday.

Please see below document for a parent guide to EYFS:

A Parents Guide to Early Years Foundation Stage

The provisions available for Nursery at Cardwell Primary school are 15 hours a week which includes:

Morning nursery places for 30 pupils from 8:45am - 11:45am


Afternoon nursery places for 30 pupils from 12:45pm - 15:45pm

Having a place in our Nursery class does not give an automatic entitlement to a place in the Reception class.  

Please click on the link below to view the Early Years Foundation Policy: 

EYFS Policy Spring 2024 - 2025


How To Apply For A Nursery School Place

Parents/Carers Must apply for a place Cardwell Primary School by completing the Nursery Application Form Below.

We welcome parents/Carers to visit the school office where a member of the office team can support you with completing the online nursery application you can either complete the application in out waiting area or you can complete the google form below.

Nursery Application Form


Reception Admissions For September 2025 - 2026

The yearly Reception application for nursery children moving to reception are allocated through the Royal Borough of Greenwich Admissions Team.

We are a two form entry school with 60 places per year group from reception to year 6.

Primary Schools In Royal Greenwich Admissions Booklet

If you click on the link above to visit the Royal Borough of Greenwich admissions team Primary School Admissions Booklet on page 48, it explains the Boroughs admissions criteria. The admissions criteria provides the priority order against which applications are considered. If the priority needs to be decided between children under a single category, it will be given to those living closer to the school, unless otherwise stated.

If you are considering the process for delay or deferral of entry to reception & process for entry outside normal age group you will need to get in contact with the Royal Borough of Greenwich admissions team who can support you with this process.


How To Apply For A School Place In Reception September.

You can apply for schools in any area. If you live in Royal Greenwich your need to apply through them. If you live in another borough, you need to apply through your home authority even if you wish to apply for a place in a Royal Greenwich School.

If you have an older child or children already attending the school, you must make this clear on your application.

To request a primary school placement please visit Greenwich Councils dedicated Admissions page and download the Common Application Form with must be completed for all primary school placement requests. 

Please see below document for a parent guide to EYFS:

A Parents Guide to Early Years Foundation Stage

The easiest way to apply is through the Parent Portal - it's quick, easy and secure - and its the fastest way to head the results.

How To Apply For A Reception School Place


If you would rather complete a paper form and live in Royal Greenwich, you must use the Royal Borough of Greenwich's common application form. To request a PDF of this form from the School Admissions Service to print off and complete, please email Receipt of a paper form cannot be provided.


Reception Place In A Primary School Process For Entry In September 2025

When applying for a Reception schools place please ensure you are aware of the Primary School Process For Entry In September. You can apply for up to six primary school, listing then in order of preference. Please consider each school's admissions policies and previous year's application rate to see whether your child is likely to be offered a school place.

Stage of process Date
Application period starts 1 September 2024
Closing date for applications 15 January 2025
Outcome of applications 16 April 2025
Deadline for accepting the offer 30 April 2025
Appeal hearings June and July 2025


If you require any further information; place follow the link below:

Royal Borough Of Greenwich School Admissions


In Year Transfer Reception To Year 6 Royal Borough Of Greenwich Admissions 2024 - 2025

At Cardwell Primary School all in year transfer admission from Reception to Year 6 are allocated through the Royal Borough of Greenwich Admissions Team.

We are a two form entry school with 60 places per year group from reception to year 6. 

Primary Schools In Royal Greenwich Admissions Booklet

If you click on the link above to visit the Royal Borough of Greenwich admissions team Primary School Admissions Booklet on page 48, it explains the Boroughs admissions criteria. The admissions criteria provides the priority order against which applications are considered. If the priority needs to be decided between children under a single category, it will be given to those living closer to the school, unless otherwise stated.


You should only apply for an in-year school admission if you need a place during the school year. This might be because you:

  • Recently moved into the borough
  • Are planning to move into the borough
  • Are moving from one area of the borough to another


Changing schools

Changing schools can be disruptive and may not necessarily be in your child's best interests. However, in specific circumstances, it may be best for the child to move schools.

Before you contact us about changing your child's school, read our Changing Schools Guidance

If you've considered your circumstances and still wish to transfer your child to another school, please read on for details of how to apply.


How To Apply For A In Year Transfer for Reception - Year 6

You can apply for schools in any area. If you live in Royal Greenwich your need to apply through them. If you live in another borough, you need to apply through your home authority even if you wish to apply for a place in a Royal Greenwich School.

If you have an older child or children already attending the school, you must make this clear on your application.

To request a primary school placement please visit Greenwich Councils dedicated Admissions page and download the Common Application Form with must be completed for all primary school placement requests. 

The easiest way to apply is through the eAdmissions portal - it's quick, easy and secure - and its the fastest way to head the results.

How To Apply For A In Year Transfer School Place


 If you require any further information; place follow the link below:

Royal Borough Of Greenwich School Admissions



Secondary School Royal Borough Of Greenwich Admissions  2025 - 2026

You can apply for schools in any area, if you live in Royal Greenwich you will need to apply through Royal Greenwich. If you live in another borough, you need to apply through your home authority even if you wish to apply for a place in a Royal Greenwich School.

Secondary School In Royal Greenwich Booklet

When applying for secondary schools you can apply for up to six secondary schools, listing them in order of preference. Consider each school's admissions policies and previous year's application rate to see whether your child is likely to be offered a place.

Your preference schools can be in Royal Greenwich or in other areas, but they cant be independent (Fee Paying) Schools.

You don't have to list six schools, but the more schools you list, the better your chances of being offered a place at one of them.


If you require any further information; place follow the link below:

Royal Borough Of Greenwich School Admissions


How To Apply For A Secondary School

You can apply for a place in Secondary School with your home authority online application. The easiest way to apply is through the eAdmissions portal - Its quick, easy and secure and its the fastest way to hear the results.

How To Apply For A Secondary School Place

Please make sure that you rank your preferences in the order you genuinely want them to be considered. Any changes you wish to make to your preferences after the closing date will only be considered when all application. Including those submitted late have been processed.

If you child is due to transfer from primary to secondary school in September and you have missed the deadline, you still need to apply for a secondary school place online.


Secondary Transfer Process For Entry In September 2025

If you have an older child of children already attending a secondary school, you must make this clear on your application.

Stage of process Date
Application period starts 1 September 2024
Closing date for applications 31 October 2024
Outcome of applications 3 March 2025
Deadline for accepting the offer 17 March 2025
Appeal hearings May and June 2025
Induction day at secondary school 2 July 2025


If you require any further information; place follow the link below:

Royal Borough Of Greenwich School Admissions


How To Appeal An Unsuccessful School Application With Royal Borough Of Greenwich 2025 - 2026

You have the right to appeal if your child has been refused a place at any school you have applied for. If you would like to appeal then please use the Royal Borough of Greenwich appeal process as soon as possible if the school is a: 

  • Primary Academy or Community School
  • Secondary Community or Voluntary controlled school

Use the Royal Borough of Greenwich school admissions appeal from to make an appeal. On the form, you'll need to tell them the reason you are appealing for a place at the school. You can also submit support evidence.

How to Appeal An Unsuccessful School Offer 

Appeal procedures - An appeal clerk independent of the council will arrange for your appeal to be heard. This is likely to be together with a number of other appeals. The clerk will write to tell you the date, time and venue well before your appeal hearing.

You'll also receive further information about the appeal process and how the panel will reach its decision in respect of your appeal. 


Appeal Process For Entry In September 2025

Phase Offers made Deadline for lodging an appeal Appeal hearings
Secondary transfer (entry to Year 7 in September 2025) 3 March 2025 31 March 2025 May and June 2025
Primary transfer (entry to a reception class in September 2025) 16 April 2025 14 May 2025 June and July 2025


Appeals Submitted After The Deadline Will Be Heard Within 40 School Day Of The Appeal Being Lodged.

In-year admissions appeals (For people applying for school places in the middle of a school year) will be heard within 30 school days of your appeal being lodged. 


If you require any further information; please follow the link below:

Royal Borough Of Greenwich School Admissions