Curriculum Letters
Half-Termly-Curriculum-Letter (ID 1024)
Half-Termly Nursery Curriculum Letter
Half-Termly Nursery Curriculum Letter
Spring 1 – 2025
Teacher: Mrs Adnan
Nursery Practitioners: Mrs Costi, Ms Watts & Ms Akhtar
EYFS Phase Lead: Mrs Mulhere
Our Theme
This term Nursery will be learning: Ticket to Ride!
Prime Areas
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
What we will do: We will be going over the Nursery routine and be given job cards to help during tidy up time. We will be taking turns whilst playing dice games. We will be talking about what we would do if we were lost.
You could support by:
- Giving me tidy up jobs at home.
- Talking about the rules at home and why they are important.
- Playing turn taking games with me.
Prime Areas Continued
Communication and Language
What we will do: Invite the children to talk about their own experiences getting on a plane, bus, ferry, bike, scooter, etc.
You could support by: Encouraging me to talk about where I would like to go model saying, “I would like to go to…”
Physical Development
What we will do: Provide the children with lots of opportunities to demonstrate their fine and gross motor skills. We will develop obstacle courses and children will use the bicycles and scooters to move around learning to balance. We will continue name writing every day.
You could support by: If you have, a bicycle/ scooter, encourage me to ride it. Encouraging me to write my name and practice the correct formation of holding a pen. You could also practice using one-handed tools such as scissors with adult support.
Specific Areas
Our core texts this half term include ‘’Choo Choo Clickety Clack’, ‘The Train Goes’, ‘The Train Ride’, ‘The Naughty bus’, ‘Come Fly with Captain Kangaroo’, and ‘Chinese New Year.
What we will do: Engage in extended conversations about the stories we share.
You could support by: Sharing a book with me every day. You can ask me questions about the book such as, ‘what do you think will happen next?’
What we will do: Learn to recognise 3 dots, like they see on a die, without counting them. Introduce the numerals 3, 4, and 5 and match the numeral to the quantity.
Recognise triangles, squares, rectangles and pentagons and count the number of sides.
You could support by: Playing dice games with me. Roll the dice and ask me how many dots I see?
Ask me what shapes I can find.
Expressive Arts and Design
What we will do: Exploring colour mixing when painting. Make trains and buses using recycled materials.
You could support by: Helping me to mix paint colours to see what colour will be created. Making a junk model from different recycled materials.
Understanding The World
What we will do: We will be naming and talking about different modes of transportations (boats, ferries, planes, bikes, scooters, cars, trains etc.). We will be sharing our experiences of using different transports, and talking about where we would like to go using an aeroplane/boat.
You could support by: Taking me somewhere using a bus, car, ferry, boat, plane and naming the mode of transportation used.
Please provide a bag with a spare change of clothes in case of any accidents.
-Please ensure your child’s name is written on their bags and all of their clothing.
Please check your child’s book bag for more information on upcoming class trips and school events.
Important Dates
Trip to Woolwich Dockyard station - Week beginning 20th January.
Lunar New Year – 29th January
Contact Us
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at the end of the day or speak to the class teacher or EYFS Phase Leader.
T: 0208 854 1051
Class Teacher
Phase Lead
Attendance matters!
‘Every day matters & every minute counts!’
The school target for attendance is for all pupils to achieve 100% or as close as possible, and ensuring attendance figures are above 95%. Let’s all work together to achieve this by coming to school every day!
Half-Termly Reception Curriculum Letter
Half-Termly Reception Curriculum Letter
Spring 1 – 2025
Teachers: RAB - Miss Baffoe & RTT - Mrs Tremayne
EYFS Phase Lead: Mrs Mulhere
Our Theme
This term Reception will be learning: Ticket to Ride!
Prime Areas
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
What we will do: We will be encouraging the children to work together by setting up a car wash for large-wheeled toys with buckets of soapy water and sponges for children to use. We will also have the challenge of working together in groups to build a train, bus or another vehicle using large building blocks or empty cardboard boxes. We will discuss our favourite modes of transport and talk about how to keep safe around roads and vehicles. Finally, we will share our holiday experiences, explaining where we would like to travel to using a plane.
You could support by: Looking at a map of the world and discussing different countries. You could also share your experiences of when you have visited another country.
Prime Areas continued
Communication and Language
What we will do: We will be looking at different modes of transport and discussing when we would see them and when we would use them. We will be looking at how transport can help us such as; fire engine, ambulance, bin lorry and tow trucks as well as transport that we often use. We will be using a wide range of vocabulary to describe different pictures of transport and countries in the world as well as describing vehicles in different ways, such as size, colour or number of wheels. Finally, we will learn the song, ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ and will be thinking of our own sound effects and actions.
You could support by: Sharing any places you have visited and your favourite modes of transport to use on a journey.
Physical Development
What we will do: We will be playing a traffic light movement game using the traffic light colours. We will stand still for red, jump for amber and run around for green. We will then make some paper helicopters and explore them in our outside area by throwing them into the air and seeing if we can catch them.
You could support by: Create a car wash using some toy cars and shaving foam. Cover the cars with foam and use spray bottles to clean the cars at the car wash.
Specific Areas
What we will do: We will be labelling parts of different types of vehicles. We will be reading books about the different modes of transport. Some books explore rhyming pairs so we will look at words that rhyme and write our own experiences about journeys we have experienced. We will also be writing postcards from different parts of the world we would like to travel to.
You could support by: Playing rhyming games and recounting a day when you have taken a ride somewhere. Reading a book with me every night.
What we will do: We will be making and numbering boats using empty trays or boxes. We will be matching the numeral with its cardinal value as we place passengers onto each boat. We will also be making trains where we will be continuing, copying and creating repeating patterns. Using a Ten-Frame Bus, we will be exploring number bonds to ten using two different coloured counters to fill the bus with passengers. Finally, we will be making trains that are different lengths and comparing them.
You could support by: Using lots of pictures of transport, sort them into different categories and compare them.
Expressive Arts and Design
What we will do: We will be using a range of instruments and song prompts to sing transport songs, such as ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ or ‘Row, Row, Row Your Boat’. We will also be developing storylines in our pretend play by setting up chairs in the outside area to be a bus or train. We will be exploring and working collaboratively to make a papier mâché hot-air balloon for a teddy bear to develop our storytelling.
You could support by: Practise storytelling- where might Teddy travel to? What might Teddy see?
Understanding the World
What we will do: We will be looking at different modes of transport and drawing maps using different toys. After, we will talk about when we would use different modes of transport and sort them into categories- air, water, rail and road. Within our role-play areas, we will be pretending to go on a train or bus ride and discussing the things we would see on our journey. Finally, we will talk about similarities and differences between modern types of transport and those used in the past.
You could support by: Going on a journey using a mode of transport of your choice, take photographs of anything you see or hear including buildings and vehicles. Then make a map of the journey you took.
Please provide a bag with a spare change of clothes in case of any accidents.
Please ensure you label all of your child’s clothing and their bags. This also includes coats, hats, gloves and scarves.
Please provide a clearly labelled water bottle filled with water (not juice) for your child each day.
Please ensure that your child brings their reading folder to school every day and that they share a book with you at home. Reading folders will be collected and kept in school on a Thursday to be changed.
Please check your child’s book bag for more information on upcoming class trips and school events.
Important Dates
Wednesday 15th January- RBG Road Safety Workshop
Contact Us
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at the end of the day or speak to the class teacher or EYFS Phase Leader.
T: 0208 854 1051
Class Teacher
Phase Lead
Attendance matters!
‘Every day matters & every minute counts!’
The school target for attendance is for all pupils to achieve 100% or as close as possible, and ensuring attendance figures are above 95%. Let’s all work together to achieve this by coming to school every day!
Half-Termly Year 1 Curriculum Letter
Half-Termly Year 1 Curriculum Letter
Spring 1 – 2025
Teacher: 1AU - Mrs Uregbula & 1HC - Mrs Conway
Support Staff: 1AU - 1:1 Ms Qureshi & 1HC - 1:1 Mrs M &
Mrs BhandariEYFS Phase Lead: Mrs Conway
Phonics Support: Mrs Kemp-Baker, Mrs White, Mrs Clements & Ms Pipe
Our texts for this half term will be ‘The Dark’ written by Lemony Snicket and ‘Wild’ written by Emily Hughes.
‘The Dark’ is a story about conquering fear of the dark, where the children will be writing a letter to the main character Laszlo, telling him why he does not need to be afraid.
‘Wild’ is about a little girl, who grows up in the wild woods. We will be using the story to write different setting descriptions of the woods and the city.Phonics
This term we will be focusing on these alternate sounds/diagraphs.
- e - ea - head
- w - wh - wheel
- j - g - giant
- f - ph - phase
- l - le - apple l - al - metal
- s - c - ice s - se - mouse s - ce - fence
- v - ve - give
- u - o-e - some u - o - mother u - ou - young
- z - se - cheese
In Maths this half term our focus is:
- Place value within 20 will include comparing and ordering numbers and looking at which numbers are one more and one less.
- Addition and subtraction within 20 will include exploring number bonds to 20 and using these to support with subtraction.
There will also be a focus on using and applying this knowledge in real life contexts, and completing maths challenges collaboratively.
How to help your child at home:
- Practise counting, writing and singing forwards and backwards with your child.
- Practise grouping objects found around the house in two fives and tens (pasta socks empty plastic bottles egg cartons).
- Go on a number hunt. What numbers do you recognise when you are walking down the street? Can you spot even /odd numbers. What coins do you know?
Foundation Subjects
Science: This term we will be looking at everyday objects and materials. We will discuss why certain objects are made out of certain materials based on their uses.
Geography: We will be learning all about the United Kingdom, the countries and seas that surround our island and the differences between cities, villages and towns.
Art: We will be studying the artists Claudette Johnson, who uses lines art in her portraiture.
Music: The focus in music this term will be Latin music.
PE: This term we are focusing on dance.
RE: This term we will continue to learn about Christianity and understanding Jesus’ teaching through parables.
PSHCE: We will be learning about how to manage money and the differences between things that you want and need.
Important Information
PE: Monday AM
Assembly: Monday AM & Friday PM
Online Learning Support
Please check your child’s book bag for more information on upcoming class trips and school events.
Homework will be given on a Friday. Pupils will have a Maths and English task to complete each week
Every week, spellings will be sent home and tested on Fridays. Please practise spellings at home. Repetition of reading these words will help your child to remember the spellings.
Children MUST bring their reading book and reading journal EVERYDAY to enable us to read with them.
Reading: To become a fluent reader your child needs to read every day. Please spend 10 -15 minutes reading with your child, remember to write a comment or sign. Share other books with your child with either them reading or you reading. Ask your child questions to check understanding.
Contact Us
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at the end of the day or speak to Phase Lead for Year 1 / 2 Mrs Conway.
Class Teachers
1HS & Phase Lead
Attendance matters!
‘Every day matters & every minute counts!’
The school target for attendance this term is 97%. Let us all work together to achieve this by coming to school every day!
Half-Termly Year 2 Curriculum Letter
Half-Termly Year 2 Curriculum Letter
Spring 1 – 2025
2RH - Mrs Hundal & 2TA - Miss Afreen
EYFS Phase Lead: Mrs Mulhere
Our core text this term is Kathryn Cave. We will use our book as inspiration to write a description profile about the character’s personality and appearance. We will include different sentence types and use different suffixes in our writing outcomes
How to help your child at home:
- Practise using subordinating conjunctions – when, if, that, because and different suffixes (-ment,-ly, -ness).
- Use expanded noun phrases in their writing.
- Read for 20 minutes after school and record it in your reading diary.
- Use the High Frequency/Common Exception words to practice spelling words and use them a sentence correctly.
- Encourage your child to rehearse sentences verbally before writing them down. Help your child to edit work, so that they can identify mistakes.
- Remind your child about using capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and also to use the correct tense.
- Have a go at reading aloud and use expression. Can you write a story and tell it to a friend?
- Practise handwriting and letter formation.
Please note: Spelling test will be every Friday.
In Maths this half term, our focus is money, multiplication and division.
There will also be a focus on using and applying this knowledge in real life contexts, and completing maths challenges collaboratively.
How to help your child at home:
- Practise counting in steps of twos, fives and tens.
- Can they make the connection with division?
- Can they write family facts?
- Practise recognising and identifying different coins and notes.
- Can they add different coins and work out the total?
- Can they make the same amount using different coins/notes?
- Can they subtract and work out the change?
- Can your child use their knowledge of multiplication to help with money? How?
Please encourage your child to recall facts to 10, 20, and 100 and fluently know the multiplies of 2, 5, and 10.
Please note: Multiplication test will be every
Foundation Subjects
In Science our topic is Living Things and their Habitats. We will look at different habitats and explore how animals are suited to where they live.
In Geography we will be looking at mountains and coasts. We will identify the key mountains and coasts in the UK, label and describe the features of them.
In PE, our will be focus of dance. We will explore how to respond to a stimulus using a range of different controlled movements.
Our topic RE is Christianity – A Local Church. We will explore what a church looks like from inside and discuss why people go to church. We will also look at important ceremonies that take place in churches.
Our PSHCE lessons will focus on keeping safe and knowing what keeps us safe. We will look at different rules and why we should follow them, including recognising risks.
In Art, we will be looking at colour and texture in drawing and painting landscapes.
In Computing, our topic is Programming and we will be game testers. We will be exploring how computer games work.
Important Information
Please ensure your child comes to school wearing school uniform and the correct footwear.
Year 2’s PE will be on Tuesdays. Please ensure that your child is wearing appropriate PE clothes following the uniform policy.
Every Friday children will receive homework (Maths, English and spellings).
Spellings: Spelling tests will take place every Friday morning. Children will take home a spelling slip, which will show their outcomes of the test.
Multiplications: Multiplications tests will take place every Friday morning. Children will take home a multiplication slip, which will show their outcomes of the test.
‘Please help your child practise their spellings and Multiplications’’
Reading: For your child to become a fluent reader, they must read EVERYDAY. Please spend some time your child (reading to them or them reading to you). Encourage your child to answer questions about the book (closed and open-ended questions). Please sign and write a comment in their reading journal.
Please ensure your child is brings their reading journal into school every day.
Please check your child’s book bag/school email for more information on upcoming class trips and school events.Contact Us
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at the end of the day or speak to
Phase Lead for Years 1 and 2 is Mrs Conway.
Class Teacher
Phase Lead
Attendance matters!
‘Every day matters & every minute counts!’
The school target for attendance this term is 97%.
Let us all work together to achieve this by coming to school every day!
Half-Termly Year 3 Curriculum Letter
Half-Termly Year 3 Curriculum Letter
Spring 1 – 20254
3HS - Miss Sarker & Ms Hussain
3TS - Miss Saltern
Phase Lead
Mrs Tremayne
Our focus text for this half term is: Narrative description
Our core text will be: The wild way home
We will use our text to explore the author’s style, in order to create our own setting descriptions and recounts, reflecting on the emotional journey of the central character.
How to help your child at home:
- Practise using ‘so, because, but, although, also in sentences to join ideas together?
- Watch children’s news programmes together and discuss topical events.
- Use the Year3/4 Word List to practise spelling words and using them a sentence.
- Have a go at reading your own writing aloud. Can you write a story and tell it to a friend?
- Share a book, newspaper, recipe or magazine together.
- Read regularly with your child and comment in their reading record.
In Maths this half term, our focus is Geometry: Position and Direction, Addition and Subtraction, Measuring Length.
There will also be a focus on using and applying this knowledge in real life contexts, and completing maths challenges collaboratively.
How to help your child at home:
- Practise counting and singing counting songs with your child.
- Practise and memorise number bonds to 10 and 100(e.g. 6+4=10, 8+2=10). Try using your fingers to help!
- Go on a number hunt. What numbers do you recognise when you are walking down the street? Can you count to that number?
- How many angles does your bed have? Measure the angels of different pieces of furniture in your home. Can you predict which angle will be the most common and why?
- Practise measuring the lengths and widths of shapes and add them together.
- Practise using different turns, such as reading the turns on a clock.
- Practise division facts for the 3.4 and 8 multiplication tables.
Foundation Subjects
Our topic this half term is: The River Thames
In Science, we will be exploring the skeletal and muscular structures in the bodies of humans and animals. As well as understanding the importance of good balanced nutrition.
In Geography, we will be learning about the River Thames. We will explore the changes in landscape through the course of the river, because of key human and physical features. We will also consider the impact of the water cycle on the local area.
In Art, our focus will be developing perspective and proportion, through exploring the work of the British artist L.S.Lowry.
In Music, we will be exploring music from the world through The Dragon Song.
In PE, we will develop skills in dance around the theme of wild animals.
For RE, we will being understanding the Buddha’s story.
Our PSHCE focus will be keeping safe; at home and school; our bodies; hygiene; medicines and household product. Alongside understanding family relationships.
In Computing, as well as staying safe online, we will be collecting and analysing data.
In French, we will be learning the vocabulary for different animals.
Important Information
PE sessions will take place on: Thursday – 3HS & Friday – 3TS
Please ensure that your child arrives at school in their school PE kit.
Online Learning Support
Please login to TTRockstars to practise timestables regularly.
Please check your child’s book bag for more information on upcoming class trips and school events.
Please check Parentmail for more information on upcoming class trips and school events.
Your child will receive new spellings on a Friday of every week. Please spend some time with your child learning these for a spelling test the following Friday.
The expectation is that, all children read every day and ensure that an adult signs their reading record book at least three times every week.
Contact Us
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at the end of the day or speak to Phase Lead- Mrs Tremayne.
0208 854 1051
Class Teacher
Phase Lead
Attendance matters!
‘Every day matters & every minute counts!’
The school target for attendance this term is 97%. Let us all work together to achieve this by coming to school every day!
Half-Termly Year 4 Curriculum Letter
Half-Termly Year 4 Curriculum Letter
Spring 1 – 2025
Class Teachers
4JD - Ms Danso & 4LD - Mrs De Freitas
Phase Lead
Mrs Tremayne
Our core text for this half term is THE LAND OF ROAR by Jenny McLachlan and once again, we will be exploring the theme ‘Age’.
This book by Jenny McLachlan revolves around imagination, friendship, and self-discovery. The book explores how childhood creativity and the bonds formed during youth shape identity and relationships.
We will use our core text as inspiration to explore the author’s style of writing. We will then write a descriptive narrative about a character as well as our own imaginary story.
How to help your child at home:
Practise: Use of adjectives, adverbs, and figurative language (e.g., similes, metaphors). Use of sensory details to create vivid imagery (e.g., what characters see, hear, smell, taste, and feel). Help your child to expand simple sentences with descriptive phrases and use connectives to link ideas.
Watch: Look for programs or video clips related to creative writing, storytelling, and language techniques. BBC Bitesize offers short, engaging videos that teach descriptive writing, character creation, and settings.
Link: BBC Bitesize KS2Read: Regularly with your child and comment in their reading record. Discuss and describe the setting of the story. Discuss how characters’ change at the end of a story.
Use: The Year 3/4 Word List to practise spelling words and use them in sentences
In Maths this half term, our focus will be on: Measurement -
Measurement - Length & Perimeter
Number – Fractions & Decimals
How to help your child at home:
Make it Creative: Create shapes using string, sticks, or chalk and measure each side to calculate the perimeter.
Crafting and Art: Cut shapes out of paper and measure the length of each side. Use string to outline the perimeter.
Ask “Why” Questions: Compare the lengths of objects and ask questions, "Which is longer?" or "How much longer is the table than the chair?"
Baking and Cooking: Use a recipe to explore lengths, such as rolling dough to specific measurements (e.g. 20 cm for breadsticks or cookies).
Pizza or Pie Fractions: Use a pizza, pie, or circular objects (e.g. paper cut outs) to divide into equal parts. Discuss and label the fractions.
Money and Decimals: Use coins to introduce decimals (e.g. £0.50 is half of £1.00). Practise making amounts with different combinations of coins.
Fraction Art: Create fraction-based artwork using coloured paper (e.g., "Colour ⅓ of this rectangle blue and ⅔ yellow").
Online Games and Apps: Use educational platforms like mathletics, BBC Bitesize, or Prodigy for interactive games focused on length, perimeter, fractions and decimals.
Consistency: A few minutes of daily practice of the Timetables often work better than occasional long sessions.
Foundation Subjects
In Science, our focus for this term is Animals including Humans. We will learn about the digestive system and its function.
For RE, we will be learning about the Christian Calendar and how they celebrate each festival.
In Geography, our topic is Time Zones, Climate and Mapping. We will be drawing a map of our local area using keys and symbols.
In French, we will focus on the words and phrases use to describe the weather.
In PE, our topic is Dance and the skill we will be focusing on is ‘Space’.
In DT, we will be exploring the different ways to cook potatoes and their nutritional value.
In Music, we will be playing the recorder, taught by a specialist teacher.
In Computing, we will be finding and correcting bugs in programs.
In PSHCE, our theme is Health and Wellbeing.
We will be exploring how to keep safe at home and at school
Important Information
PE sessions will take place on a Wednesday
Please unsure that your child arrives at school in their school PE kit.
Please check your child’s book bag and Parent mail for more information on upcoming class trips and school events.
Please focus on encouraging your child to practise their times tables. By the end of Year 4, they will learn and know by heart, up to the 12 x table.
Multiplication Tables Check -
This website is fantastic for multiplication games, speed tests, worksheets and an opportunity to trial out the multiplication tables check.
Please login to TTRockstars to practise timestables regulary.
Your child will receive Homework on a Friday, to be due back the following Monday. Children will have a Maths and English task to complete each week as well as spellings to learn. The expectation is that, all children read every day and ensure that an adult signs their reading record book at least three times every week.
Contact Us
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at the end of the day or speak to Phase Lead- Mrs Tremayne.
0208 854 1051
Class Teacher
Phase Lead
Attendance matters!
‘Every day matters & every minute counts!’
The school target for attendance this term is 97%. Let us all work together to achieve this by coming to school every day!
Half-Termly Year 5 Curriculum Letter
Half-Termly Year 5 Curriculum Letter
Spring 1 – 2025
5SM - Ms McAlpine
5SL - Mrs Lawrence
Phase Lead
Mrs Perry
Dates for your diary
PE (5SM); Swimming (5SL) every Wednesday
Our focus for this half term is: The Nowhere Emporium, by Ross MacKenzie.
This is a fabulous fantasy adventure involving mystery, wonders and travels in time and space. Using the story as a stimulus, we will be writing our own wonders, creating a biography of one of the main characters and writing a split-narrative chapter with a flashback.
How to help your child at home:
- Practise this week’s spelling pattern – spelling sheets are sent home every Friday
- Read with your child for at least 10 minutes each night from a range of fiction and non-fiction texts, and discuss their reading with them. Check our virtual library on Google Classroom for texts you can share together, or visit your closest public library.
- Read other fantasy stories containing time travel, portals and flashbacks.
Our focus this term will be on Multiplication and Division, Fractions and Properties of Shape.
This term the children will consolidate their knowledge of the formal written methods of multiplication and division, and apply these in increasingly challenging contexts. They will also learn to recognise the links between mixed and improper fractions, and between fractions and decimals. They will be distinguishing between regular and irregular polygons, and identifying 3D shapes from 2D representations.
How to help your child at home:
Practise times tables to develop speed and accuracy – try the link below for some fun practice:
Foundation Subjects
The Science focus for this term is Forces, where children will be studying the effects of gravity, air and water resistance.
For RE we will be learning about the traditions and daily rituals in a Hindu’s life.
In Geogrpahy we will be learning about World Resources and Trade. We will be learning about the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources as well as looking at the advantages of trade and discussing the ethics of Fair Trade.
In French we will learn months, days and dates, and how to tell someone when our birthday is.
In PE 5SM will be doing a unit of Dance, based on the Ancient Greeks. 5SL will be swimming. We will swap after half term.
In Computing we will be integrating our computing skills within art and maths, fusing geometry to create digital creations.
In PSHCE this term we will be considering health and wellbeing, with a focus on first aid skills.
Our Music focus will be on the vibrant Samba music of South America.
Important Information
PE sessions will take place:
(5SM); Swimming (5SL) every Wednesday
Please ensure that your child arrives at school in their school PE kit.
Online Learning Support
Please log in to TTRockstars to practise times tables regularly.
We will also use Google Classroom for setting assignments and to support the daily learning.
Please check the school website regularly for information on upcoming class trips and school events.
Pupils will be given a times table and spelling focus each week; the tests for these will be the following Friday. They are also expected to read every day and ensure their reading record book is signed by an adult at least three times every week.
Once a term, children can complete a piece of creative homework linked to a topic they are studying that has particularly interested them. This could be a piece of art, a research page, a PowerPoint presentation – be creative!
Contact Us
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at the end of the day or speak to Phase Lead- Mrs Perry
0208 854 1051
Class Teacher
Phase Lead
Attendance matters!
‘Every day matters & every minute counts!’
The school target for attendance this term is 97%. Let us all work together to achieve this by coming to school every day!
Half-Termly Year 6 Curriculum Letter
Half-Termly Year 6 Curriculum Letter
Spring 1 – 2025
6KD - Mrs Darroch
6DP - Mrs Perry
Phase Lead
Mrs Perry
Our focus for this half term is: The Silver Sword by Ian Serraillier
This term we will be studying the book ‘The Silver Sword’ in our English and Whole Class Reading sessions. Based on true accounts, this is a moving story of life during and after the Second World War. We will be using this as a stimulus to study the Second World War and write letters in role thinking of the level of formality. As we read more of the story, we will consider the characters’ experience and write diary entries to explore their feelings. We will also be practising using non-fiction writing techniques to research and write a biography of Anne Frank.
How to help your child at home:
- Practice this week’s spellings and ask your child to write them in a sentence.
- Read with your child for at least 10 minutes each night. Can they summarise what they have read?
In Maths, this half term our focus will be on algebra and ratio.
A ratio shows how much of one thing there is compared to another. Ratios are usually written in the form: a:b
We will be looking at how to compare numbers in their proportions.
Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with symbols and the rules for manipulating these symbols. In Year 6, we will learn about algebraic expressions, equations, and inequalities. We will also learn how to solve problems involving algebraic expressions and equations .
How to help your child at home:
Practice times tables to develop speed and accuracy (Log on to to
practice online)
Talk through the weekly Maths learning
Foundation Subjects
In Geography, we will be looking at the continent of North America and considering the key human and physical features. We will be conducting case studies on Death Valley.
In Science, our focus is Living Things and their Habitats, including microorganisms. We will be describing how living things – including plants, animals and microorganisms – are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristic, and their similarities and differences.
For RE we will be concentrating on the religion of Sikhism and discovering more about their place of worship, The Gurdwara.
During PE, we will learn the skills of gymnastics and focus on working with a partner.
In Computing lessons, we will be looking at computational thinking by mastering algorithms for searching, sorting and Maths.
PSHCE will focus on media literacy and digital resilience and consider influences and decision-making whilst staying safe online.
Important Information
16th January 2025 - 6KD Trip to Reed Smith
4th February 2025 - 6DP Trip to Reed Smith
17th – 21st February 2024 - Half-Term
PE day is on Friday. Please come to school wearing your PE kit.
Online Learning Support
Practice times tables through competitions and challenges. All children have their own Times Table Rockstars username and password.
Homework will be handed out on a Friday and is due back every Monday. Pupils may have a Maths and/or English task to complete each week, as well as spellings to learn and times tables, which will be tested on a Friday. They are also expected to read every day and ensure their reading record book is signed at least four times every week.
Contact Us
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at the end of the day or speak to the Assistant Head Teacher
T:020 8854 1051
Class Teachers
6DP & Phase Lead
Attendance matters!
‘Every day matters & every minute counts!’
The school target for attendance this term is 96%. Let’s all work together to achieve this by coming to school every day!