General Information
Contact with the school
If we need to contact you due to illness or accident, we will do so immediately using the contact numbers you have given us. Your numbers, particularly for emergencies, are crucial and if your circumstances do change, please let us know straight away.
We do appreciate it if you can keep us well informed on any issue that may affect your child:
- If your child tells you about someone or something at school that concerns him/her, then please share this with us. What initially may be very simple to sort out, if left could become a major problem for everyone concerned, particularly for your child.
- When he/she is ill at home and unable to come to school. Please contact the school office on the first day of absence and follow this up with a medical letter if given to you on their return.
- If your transport arrangements change and you experience difficulties in getting your child to school before 8.55 am or picking him/her up at the end of the day.
- If you are not able to bring your child to school or collect him/her as a result of changed circumstances and a friend or designated carer does this on your behalf.
- If you have any issues with your parentmail or schoolcomms accounts.
- If your child has a specific medical problem.
- If you are uncertain about something that has been asked of you by the school.
Wherever possible medicines should be administered to children at home. However, if there are circumstances when medicine needs to be administered at school, e.g. asthma medication, we ask that it is clearly labelled, with the child’s name, clear instructions relating to the dosage and frequency and is supported by a letter from the home authorising the school for its administration and an appropriate form completed (please ask at the school office). Our desire and aim is to support the needs of pupils in the best possible way, but at the same time, taking into account all aspects of health and safety in relation to the storage and administration of medicines, the availability of trained staff, and the practical logistics of supporting an extremely large pupil community.
Outings and journeys
During the school year children will have the opportunity to take part in educational visits which will link in with our creative curriculum. Year 5 pupils also experience a residential school journey. Parents are informed well in advance about each visit and the school undertakes a risk assessment for all visits to ensure the highest possible standards of safety for the pupils, staff and helpers. Information about educational visits is included in the termly curriculum notes to parents.
School Dog
We are very excited to be introducing a school dog to Cardwell.
We have discussed introducing a dog with local schools that already have a dog and they have shared their positive experiences including the impact on the children. We believe that interacting with animals can lead to an increased sense of wellbeing as well as supporting children who may be experiencing anxiety. Being responsible for an animal can develop increased sensitivity and awareness of the feelings and needs of others: animals and humans. Through caring for animals’ children, learn that all living things need more than just food and water for survival.
All parents/carers will receive a form to confirm if they give permissions. If you wish to change this after you have completed the form please visit the Main Office.
Children will only care for and interact with the dog if they would like to and parents will be able to indicate if they would wish for their child not to interact with the dog.
The dog is a a small Cavapoo from an experienced breeder whose parentage has been chosen for excellent temperament and health credentials.
Cavapoos are known for being a low shedding breed, which has hypoallergenic properties.
In the mean time, why don't you prepare your children by showing them the below Be Dog Smart.
Recording Behaviour and High Expectations
All behaviours are rigorously recorded and ‘bullying type’ behaviours are monitored for repetition and trends. All incidents are dealt with then a restorative approach is used.
Reporting Bullying
Each Key Stage has a “solve it box” that children can use where they can share a problem if something or someone is worrying them – this may then be discussed as part of circle time with the class or group or on a 1:1 basis depending on what the teacher feels is the best approach. Children can also use the box to tell teachers if they are worried about the behaviour of other children – victims or aggressors.
Anti-bullying Ambassadors
Each class has a 'Class friend' (Anti-bullying Ambassador) who provides advice and assistance to anyone feeling bullied or concerned about themselves or others. Anti-bullying Ambassadors are trained and meet regularly with SLT members and know how to report concerns and support other children in reporting theirs. They wear highly visible dark blue bibs so they can be easily identified and they are signposted in assembly.
Anti-bullying week
In November each year we have a week where we focus on the theme of Anti-bullying. Children’s work and activities centre around this theme and we have a number of assemblies, events and workshops to reinforce the message. We also look at Cyber safety and how to keep safe in a digital age.
Useful websites